Your blog in regards to the topics of mental fitness and health. Whether it’s tips for mindfulness, neuroscientific statements or the newest insights into research
The voice in the background
“Good to see you around! My name is Anna. I’m a health scientist and trainer in neurofeedback and relaxation techniques. I love good food and spending my free time on a stand up paddle board somewhere on the water. Beyond that I’m a big fan of lists and schedules. My favorite books are cheesy novels. I’m not as equipped as I would like to be when it comes to research and technology, but that’s what my wonderful colleagues are for! Have fun reading the blog and I hope parts of our daily life can be beneficial to your mental fitness and health!”

Blog posts

Step by step into the direction of mental fitness and health
The time has come, we are writing a blog! The brainboost-team, especially my colleague Iris

brainboost connects the alps
brainboost connects the alps – We gathered inspiration for a social future together with several
Corporate Health Convention in Stuttgart 2019
The Corporate Health Convention is the largest platform on the topic of health in the

brainboost at the BrainDay at Ernst & Young in Frankfurt
BrainDay Event in Frankfurt at Ernst & Young

Virtual-Reality Technologien und modernes Mentaltraining: darüber berichtete das Medien Netzwerk Bayern
Dass das Hightech und Kreativpotential in Bayerns Landeshauptstadt riesig ist, ist ja keine Frage! “München

Gesundheitstag im Doppelpack: So erlebten wir die E-Health Days in Passau
Gesundheitstag im Doppelpack: Am 24.09.2018 machte sich unser Team schon am Abend auf den Weg
Flowgradeshow | 12/2019
What is neurofeedback, which brainwaves are important and how you can try neurofeedback yourself. (german)
XPLR Media Bavaria | 12/2019
Your gym for the brain - therapy and starting points of neurofeedback and the possibility to improve the experience through VR. (german)
Focus Online | 10/2019
In only 2 steps to a fitter brain - types and requirements for efficient brain training (german)
The Red Bulletin | 9/2019
12 sustainable ideas for a better world: Number 9 "Thought moves race car" (german)
tbd* | 6/2019
How does neurofeedback and biofeedback work, what symptoms can be treated with it. (german)
Red Bull | 4/2019
Interview with Philipp Heiler: "What is brain training and does it work" - A doctor's testimonial
Business Insider | 10/2018
What is neurofeedback and how can it improve psychological symptoms.(german)
Business Insider | 10/2018
What is Neurofeedback and how can it help to improve your mental health and well-being.