Teambild brainboost Berufsgruppen

Step by step into the direction of mental fitness and health

The time has come, we are writing a blog! The brainboost-team, especially my colleague Iris and I, have decided to take you a bit more into our world. We want to give you an insight into our everyday life and our work and everything that goes with it. The things that now seem completely normal to us, such as steering a racing car with our brains, but also the things that fascinate and drive us here every day.

Especially as a young and interdisciplinary team with a doctor, sport- and health scientists, psychologists, economists and developers we’re driven by passion and beyond that have a wide range of topics we cover.

First and foremost, of course, is our mission – to raise awareness of Mental Fitness & Health in society and to use science to counter negative stigmas.

So what is the aim of this blog? We would like to entertain but also provide information. We want to stay data-based and scientifically accurate but at the same time accessible for everybody. Whether current research projects, tips for mindfulness in your daily life or a deep dive into different mental disorder patterns – we are right in the middle of it and want to share it with you. We look forward to meeting you here!

Well then, here’s to exciting times!

Best regard from the (today sunny) Munich and see you soon,


brainboost Performance
Research & Development

Perfekt im Flow State – brainboost Performance

Performance: Die täglichen Aufgaben und Projekte schneller, mit höherer Qualität und weniger Ermüdung bearbeiten. Zur Ausnutzung des vollen Potentials unseres Gehirns probieren wir bei brainboost verschiedene Ansätze und Strategien aus,

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Mentaltraining, Neurofeedback-Training, Neurofeedback, Mentale Gesundheit, EEG
Good to know

Symbiose von mentaler und körperlicher Fitness

Symbiose von mentaler und körperlicher Fitness – Bedeutung, Definition und Zusammenhang. Spätestens die Corona-Pandemie und die aktuellen weltweiten Krisenmeldungen haben uns gelehrt, dass nicht nur die körperliche Fitness für ein

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