brainboost im Deutschen Museum

Controlling a car with your own brain

Our technology is coming to the Deutsches Museum Nuremberg – the museum of the future. Steer a car with your own brain for once.

Tomorrow, 18 September 2021, the new branch of the Deutsches Museum will open its doors in Nuremberg. With its focus on the present and future of technology and science in five different thematic areas, it is not for nothing that it bears the title “the museum of the future”. Our Carrera track is not to be missed here. Because here you can control a car with your brain!

The brothers and founders Philipp and Tobias Heiler

Since 2016, the two brothers and founders of brainboost Philipp and Tobias Heiler have been touring Germany, Austria and Switzerland with our Carrera track. In doing so, they are creating more awareness for the topic of mental fitness and health in a corporate context. But how does it all work and what makes the otherwise nostalgic Carrera track so promising now?

The answer is quite simple:

In the case of brainboost, the car is not controlled with a controller via the hands, as is usually the case, but via the person’s own brain. With the help of an EEG, the brain activities of the participating person are measured and transferred to the Carrera track. Depending on the technical setting, the whole thing is programmed so that the car always drives when its driver is particularly focused or in a relaxed state, for example. The aim is to illustrate unconscious processes in the brain in a playful way and to develop individual exercises. Thus, the respective participants have the opportunity to find out how their brain works in certain situations and what tricks they can use to support it, e.g. on a health day in the company.

What it feels like to control a car with your brain and to find out under which conditions your own brain works the best – this and much more is to be discovered from 18.09.2021 in the Deutsches Museum Nuremberg in the theme area “Body and Mind”.

More information on: German Museum.


brainboost connects the alps

brainboost connects the alps – We gathered inspiration for a social future together with several start-ups from Germany, Austria and Switzerland at “Red Bull Amaphiko – Connects the Alps”. Together

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